# Player Games
1. VEErwinFCBMessi 2 27
2. VESrBolainas04 7 16
3. VEAngel_ibs 6 13
4. VEMariana_bs 5 12
5. VEAkemi(Ancelotti) 3 9
6. VENegritoSalsero 3 7
7. VECarpinchoisano 4 6
8. VELuziana Medina 1 5
9. VEAlondra . 5 4
9. VEMaye05 3 4
9. VEnazareth figueroa 1 4
12. VEDayelis Puyosa 1 3
13. VEDanPao 1 2
14. VENaudy Barrera 1 1
15. VEfofiiiiiuuu 1 0
15. VEEarthligths. 1 0
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